Mario Salimon’s Film “Parece Que Existo” (I Seem to Exist) won both awards for Best Full Length Feature Film and Best Soundtrack at The 45th Brasília Film Festival – Mostra Brasília (2012). We are bringing home two CLDF trophies.
I am really happy with the result from this Festival. It was an emotional journey to be back in my hometown as a guest for a film that talks about my own journey as musician and composer. ln a way this film interacts with the history of my hometown, the modern new capital of Brazil, where I was lucky enough to be part of its first generation of artists.
Both prizes we got for the film were very meaningful for all of us who participated in the production. We came to the festival with no expectations, as guests to a great celebration, fully aware of the high quality of the local production. It is a great honor to be chosen among such accomplished artists.
During the festival I had a chance to get acquainted with the latest production of Brazilian cinema. I was able to witness contemporary aesthetic tendencies and I could meet some of the most talented film professionals in the country.
The local production was remarkable. In our category, it is worth mentioning the film “Sob o Signo da Poesia” by Neto Borges, a film that overlaps somehow with our own, telling the story of an early generation of poets in the capital of Brazil, added by beautiful photography and charged interviews.

Photo: Adriano Salimon. Left to right: Andres Ibarra, Mauro Giuntinni, André Luis da Cunha, Lydia Garcia, João MacDowell e Mário Salimon.
The production that got the prize for Best Short Film, from Brasília: “Meu Amigo Niezsche” tells the emotional story of a boy who struggles with learning how to read till he finds a copy of “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”, in a trash dump. The consequences are unpredictable. “Bibinha, A Luta Continua” by Adrianana de Andrade was also a strong contestant, telling the humorous story of a local producer who has been HIV positive for 20 years and still lives a happy gay life. The soundtrack by Jose Flores and Assis Medeiros was my favorite in the festival. I was also particularly impressed by the quality of Brazilian animation, it is worth mentioning the films “Linear”, “Phantasma” and “Valquiria.”

Photo: Adriano Salimon. Left to right: Sileni Lozzi, Eliana Carneiro, João MacDowell, Tina Salimon, Mário Salimon, Andres Ibarra.
Check some links for press:
Correio Brasiliense
Camara Legislativa DF Press
Jornal de Brasilia: