Nicolau El-moor is one of the greatest photographers in Brazil today. We are also friends from teenage-hood. I was honored when he asked me to be in of a series of portraits of people from Brasília. Visit:
2012 The film “Parece Que Existo” (It Seems I Exist) by Mario Salimon will screen as part of the Mostra Brasília of the 45th “Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro.” Teatro Nacional Brasilia, sala Martins Pena. September 23rd 2pm Brasilia, DF. Brazil
45º Festival de Cinema de Brasília
Since I started writing operas I found myself paying attention to stories that could be set to music. I listen to stories, I read them, I try to find hidden stories under the meaningless speech of everyday life. I keep stories in a large storage space that I have inside […]
I Collect Stories
The operatic aria developed from the song form. The aria da capo was preponderant in early baroque opera and for much of the classical period. The ABA form was sometimes criticized because the repetition did not always make sense in the dramatic flow. It is a situation where the musical […]
About Opera
Opera has a way of mixing life touching stories with melodies that stay with us. Opera is the ultimate arrogance of art, and so it fails. Opera is chic, elegant, fine seductive. Opera is the charm of our time. Opera makes sense in a multidisciplinary world of art. Opera is […]
Why Opera? – 1a
If you happen to be in the Miami area, I am doing the sound for a very interesting art installation, by Simone Porto.
Art Exhibit in Miami
This Sat. March 31st, 11pm (EDT-New York), with Sunday reprise, April 1st, 9am (EDT). Interview with Joao MacDowell at Globo International, in the “Planeta Brasil” Show. Featuring Paige Sandusky singing an aria from Tamanduá. Globo TV International … Este Sábado, 31 de Março, às 23hs (EDT-NY), com reprise no […]
Interview/Entrevista – Globo Internacional

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